The brown rat is as its name suggests and is typically brownish grey on the back and grey underneath. Part grown young of them are more of a grey colour. They weigh approximately 500g and their combined head and body length is approximately 20-27cms. Rats are usually found in any environment linked with humans. This is unacceptable to tolerate as they damage building structures and goods but more importantly they can convey diseases and pathogens that can greatly affect our health.
They are most commonly associated with being a carrier for leptospirosis. This thrives in wet and damp environments that the rat is often present in. Leptospirosis is usually passed onto humans to contact with an open cut or the mouth. A rat has to drink water every day, rats suffer from neophobia which is the fear of new objects. This can make treatments difficult sometimes. Rats teeth continually grow to cope with their endless gnawing.
With these teeth they can exert 700lbs per square inch of pressure. Rats and mice have vibrissae, these are the hairs on the face that help them feel where they are going.
When a customer phones Assured Environmental Services we take their details and try to evaluate the extent of the problem through our conversation. At this point we shall also try to give an example of the possible cost involved. We arrange an appointment to visit the site and we can then fully assess and advise the problem.
After this, with the customers’ agreement we can proceed with the work if they wish which we do so in a safe and effective manner. We try to help by advising on conditions or actions that can be taken to promote a successful outcome of our treatment and help prevent the problem arising again.
Each job and environment we enter into to control rats has to be assessed on its own unique situation. In a domestic situation this would mean checking the loft and the drains more often than not as well as the main living area of the house. This is where are they living, where are they eating, what is the swiftest method to control them and how may we help the problem not to arise again. Some premises we advise on a preventative course of treatments.
Before rat treatments, try not to disturb anything as this upsets the rats environment and makes it difficult for us to assess the problem. Should you be working in the area before the treatment either wear gloves or wash your hands thoroughly before eating, drinking or smoking after work.
After treatment the area of infestation can be tidied up, areas of harbourage can be removed and any proofing works can be carried out either by Assured Environmental Services or the customer. This will prevent rats gaining access to the property again. This may include the repair of underground drainage pipes.